Laura Hills


Phone number


J.D., Stanford Law School
M.A. (Latin American Studies), Stanford University
B.A., Stanford University


District of Columbia

Laura Hills is the founding partner of Hills Stern. She regularly represents borrowers and project developers on a wide range of transactions ranging from the large multi-creditor infrastructure projects to on-lending and investment fund platforms to mid-cap corporate financings. She frequently advises clients on creative financing structures leveraging development finance institution programs to maximize investment support for sustainable development projects.

Prior to founding Hills Stern, Ms. Hills spent ten years at the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), including as Associate General Counsel for Finance where she served as chief counsel to the agency for all matters involving the finance program. During that period, she acted as OPIC’s lead counsel on a wide range of projects, including major infrastructure, and supervised line attorneys in connection with a portfolio of project-finance transactions in excess of $2 billion. Following her tenure at OPIC, Ms. Hills established Hills Stern as a boutique law firm advising sponsors active in emerging and other global markets, primarily in connection with accessing government investment programs including multilateral and bilateral agency resources. At Hills Stern, Ms. Hills has continued work on projects throughout the developing world, focusing on the energy, water, housing and financial services sectors. She is also active in providing sovereign advisory services, particularly in the energy space.

Ms. Hills is a member of the District of Columbia bar. She received a B.A. in political science and Spanish from Stanford University and a joint JD/MA from Stanford Law School. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the Stanford Journal of International Law. She has held an appointment as Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center (2003-2009) where she taught International Project Finance.

Since 2010, Ms. Hills has been included in “Best Lawyers in America” for her work in project finance.