Patrick Schmidt


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J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
MIPP, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
B.A., Harvard University (magna cum laude)


District of Columbia

Patrick Schmidt has over 26 years of diverse experience in corporate, legislative and policy matters.  His principal focus has been on advising foreign companies and governments on the development and financing of transportation, technology and real estate projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.  He has substantial experience with sovereign representation, including advising on matters of financial and economic development.  He also has represented foreign and domestic clients on policy matters before the U.S. Congress and Executive Branch.  At Georgetown University Law Center, he served as Senior Lead Articles Editor of Law and Policy in International Business (now known as the Georgetown Journal of International Law).  He also completed graduate courses in international law in the doctoral program at the University of Madrid (Complutense) Faculty of Law pursuant to a Rotary Foundation Graduate Fellowship.  He is the author and co-author of numerous articles and commentary on topics of international law, commerce and public policy, which have appeared in the following publications: The International Lawyer, International Business Lawyer, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Der Schweizer Treuhander/L’Expert Comptable Suisse, The Business Link, Law & Policy in International Business, Vanderbilt Law Review, El Cronista Comercial and the Georgetown Journal of International Law.